Before the beginning, God was
and in the beginning, God was. And after that, man was. Who is God? Who is man? Have you ever thought about or considered how it
would be to suddenly open your eyes and be fully-grown?
Suppose that you came
into being full-grown. One day you just
were, a man. You were not born, you have
no parents, your peepers popped open and there, looking at you, was another who
looks like you, but He is not; He is Other than you.
What is a man? How did you get there, well … wait a minute,
where is there?
How did there get
there? Who is the Other? Obviously, the Other was there before you. Why is the Other, other than you? Besides the fact the Other was first, what
makes the Other, other?
You need the facts of
who you are and why you are. More importantly, however, you need the facts
of the Other.
The first man came
into being this way: One day he just was.
Both the Other that the man is looking
at and the man are other than we are.
He was the first man and he was a creation, there was no other like him - that
makes him other.
Jesus, the Other, who
was with the man, is God. He is not a
creation; He is One of the three personal beings of Deity. Deity is Divine in being. He is Eternal; He is without beginning, He is
without end. He is everywhere present;
there is nowhere that He is not.
God is all knowing,
there is nothing hid from Him. God is
Love, Life, and Light. God is outside of
time; but at creation, He entered into time. God is Righteous; God is Holy; God is Spirit
Being and He is Other than all others.
The “there” where the
man found himself is the part of “the creation” - it is the earth. The creation is a concept that God thought in
His mind and brought forth into being by that which He spoke (Genesis 1) – a
physical reality. God spoke into being many
things pertaining to His creation. God
spoke into being light, heaven and earth. God spoke into being bodies of living things
with different kinds of flesh - flesh bodies of seed grain, herbs and fruit
(Genesis 1:11), flesh bodies of animals, fish bodies, bird bodies, living
creatures, cattle, creeping things and beasts (Genesis 1:24).
However, God was
personally involved when He created those things that pertain to His eternal
covenant. God’s covenant plan is to have
a universal kingdom of sons of God in His image. He did not speak this part of His creation
into being as He did the rest of creation. God personally used His hands and then named
those things that He made. With His
hands, God created the stars; with His hands, God planted His garden; and with
His hands, God formed the body for man.
God named the stars. God named the Garden of Eden, the man’s
residence, and He named the two trees in the midst of the garden, the Tree of
the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life (Genesis 2:8). God also named the man.
All that God created and
made was holy – separated unto God, consecrated and blessed for divine
service. Yet the man was the most
unique. Of all that the Lord God created
and made, only the man received the breath of God. From the dust of the ground, God formed the body
for the man - an earthen vessel, which God then breathed into and brought forth
a soul of spirit life. The soul is a
personal being with a mind to think, emotions to feel and a will that has the
power of choice.
God breathed the
breath of life into the nostrils of the body formed of the dust of the ground –
spirit life, the life that God is and man became a soul of spirit being, whose
life of being is spirit, clothed in a body of dust called flesh. God did not bring the body into being with His
breath; God brings the soul of spirit life into being with His breath - a very
personal and intimate act.
The man is a living
soul of spirit being, an uncreated spirit being without end, dwelling within an
earthen vessel. God named this soul of
spirit being Adam.
God brought Adam into
being a full-grown man in order for Adam to think along with God; thinking
along with God is God’s design and desire. Adam was not “pre-programed” with data. He was a soul of spirit being who is to learn
of God. All that Adam had knowledge of,
God taught him.
From the moment God
brings the man into being, he is learning of God. There is nothing to sidetrack him. There is nothing to divert his attention. No books to read, there is no written
language. There are no movies or
television to watch - nothing to waste the space in his head to keep him from
minding God. There is nothing to
distract him. Free within himself, there
is no minding of himself. There is no
thinking, what will the others think?
There are no others! Adam was the
first and only one of his kind. There
was no other like him with whom to converse or interact.
Free from
self-consciousness, Adam is free to be occupied with God. God brings the man into being full-grown so
he is fully free to engage, absorb, and take interest in what God will be
sharing with him as they walk and talk together in the garden.
The man was naked;
God brought Adam into being naked. While
it is true that the man’s covering, his body, has no clothing, it is the person;
the soul of spirit being that is naked.
The person is naked. Adam’s body
had no life everlasting. In eternity
past God purposed to have a creation of sons in His image. God designed His image to be an immortal body
of His glory.
God begins His image
with a created body – a figure that God will share the likeness of. A body is an object of time. The earthly body of dust does not cover the
soul of spirit being for eternity.
Although Adam is
naked in his earthen vessel, he is not ashamed.
Is there reason to be ashamed?
God never does anything without design.
The nakedness will serve as a teaching truth for the man. Adam, the soul of spirit being needs a
covering suited to his being of spirit life; Adam needs a body of spirit
life. Adam needs life everlasting. The body the man dwells in is not a body of
spirit being, but a body of earth, dust.
Of the earth, the covering for the man is temporal and the life of that
body is in the blood. It is created life
dependent upon breath.
After The LORD God
formed the man, He put the man in His Garden, the Garden of Eden, and assigned the
man the pleasant task of dressing and keeping the LORD’S garden. This assignment will serve several purposes.
First, this will
teach the man he is responsible to the LORD God in his undertaking. Is the garden Adams to do with as he pleases? No, it is the Lord’s garden. Adam’s task to dress the garden will teach Adam
to be reliable, dependable and consistent. The responsibility of the LORD God’s garden
will prepare Adam to be disciplined both in body and in mind.
The word dress and the word till in the Hebrew is the same word and means to work or serve. However, when used in reference to things, it
is usually followed by an accusative (object) of the things upon which the
labor is expended, e.g., “to till” a field (Genesis 2:5 and often elsewhere) “to
dress” a vineyard.
A field and a garden are
two different things. A field is a piece
of cleared land set off or enclosed for raising crops or raising livestock. Tilling a field is associated with hard labor,
the sweat of one’s brow (Genesis 3:19). A
garden is planned space set aside for cultivating plants and other living
things, a place filled with living things pleasant to the sight and good for
food. Often a garden is a place of quiet
and beauty, a haven or sanctuary from the bustle of outside things.
The LORD’S garden,
like the rest of His creation, was holy. God’s garden was the holy of holies because
God’s garden was His sanctuary - the place He set apart from the rest of the
creation to draw the man to Himself. The
LORD’S garden was a garden of Delight. Because
the word “dress” is often used to mean vineyard, it is reasonable that God’s
garden included a vineyard.
The second task of
keeping the garden implies that Adam is to give diligent attention to guarding
the garden against intruders. The Hebrew
word for keep means to take care of
or guard. An interesting thought to
consider: Would Adam know what an
intruder is? Obviously, God would have
shared with him the meaning of intruder - one who is a trespasser in a place
not designed to be occupied by the squatter. The possibility of an intruder brings with it
the necessity of guarding the garden.
The evening
and the morning of Adam’s first day was the sixth day of creation, the dawning
of the seventh. Adam begins his life in
the “evening” but not literally in the dark. Evening is dusk; dusk is the period of
daylight when it is more difficult to discern the true intent of visible things.
This also will be a picture to the man; God
brings true clarity of the things of the spirit; they cannot be discerned without
Before the darkness
of the night, do you think that Adam and His Creator had a little “look-see”
around the garden? The plan was for
everything in Adam’s life to be a picture truth for Adam – a picture truth of
what God planned for His creation of
Adam has his first
encounter of Joy in the garden of delight.
Just consider for a moment the wonder of it all: the different sights and sounds - the hues of
green and all the different colors of fruit and flowers and the blue of the
river with the sparkle of the setting sun shining off it.
1 Corinthians 15:46
(ESV) says, “But it is not the spiritual that is first
but the natural, and then the spiritual.”
In the garden was the “natural” pictorial of the spiritual
pictorial of the truth revealed in the stars.
In preparation for
the nighttime star-gazing lesson, it is very likely that God explains that in
order for seed to reproduce, it must have life in it. In the garden was seed for life. All life comes from seed. Also in the middle of the garden were the two
trees that the Lord named, each bearing fruit, whose seed is in it, after its
All the trees of the
garden were pleasant to the sight and good for food. However, the two trees planted and named by
God have a distinct purpose. The two
trees are teaching tools and speak of reaping what is sown. Pictured in the symbolism of the two trees is
life and death - the two ways man may choose to go – God’s way or man’s way. The Tree of Life symbolizes what is needed to
become a son of God in His image and after His likeness – the Seed of Life for
life everlasting.
The Tree of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil illustrates the beguiling of knowledge; knowledge will not produce life everlasting. Information gathering, wanting to know apart
from God, does not bring life. God gave
man everlasting life – this life is in His Son. The heavens declare this glory.
Everything Adam heard
and everywhere that Adam looked expressed his Creator’s will for His creation
of mankind - one must be born again through Christ Jesus – the Man God has in His
image – the body raised from the dead.
Talking “seed” with
Adam would bring understanding that the Other is the Seed grain needed for more
bodies that would live forever – God’s Eternal Covenant. God pictures His Eternal Covenant in the
stars. Can you imagine that night? There is nothing artificial or synthetic. The air is clean and free of pollutants; the
fragrance smelled is sweetness all around like the Rose of Sharon and the
lilies of the field.
There are no lights,
but overhead in the night sky is the splendor of the stars, God’s banner of
love. All is quiet, no noise, chatter,
or irritating sounds. Then, the voice of
the Lord, powerful and full of majesty, yet gentle and soft, speaks. Hushed in the love of God, in the stillness of
the Garden of Eden, the Last Adam (the Other) shares with the First Adam His
purpose for being.
God shared His Eternal
plan with Adam; two bodies of seed were required. Adam is the figure of his Creator - the Last
Adam, who was with Him in the garden. How
is Adam a figure? Adam like His Creator is
spirit being. Adam is clothed with body. God formed Adam’s body from the dust of the
ground, a body of humanity. The body of Adam
is Adam’s dwelling place. Adam’s Creator
explains to him that he is a soul of spirit life, a spirit being of humanity.
His Creator, the
Other who is with him is also Spirit Being; He is Spirit Being of Deity in the
likeness of the image of the man He has created. He and the man share the same likeness – a
body of flesh.
The Other explains
that Deity is different from humanity.
Humanity is created; Deity is eternal. Deity is pre-existent and self-existent,
uncreated Being. Deity is Spirit; Deity
is Righteous. Deity is One God in three
Persons - a God of Spirit being of Deity with three personal beings. Each being is God – each has a mind, emotions
and will - as one – all of the same Spirit of Deity.
“[But] when the
fullness of the time was come, God would send [sent] forth his Son, made of a
woman…” (Galatians 4:4). Spirit Being of
Deity, Jesus, God’s birthed Son, would be birthed in a body prepared for Him in
the womb of a virgin - a body enlifed with the life God is, the life of spirit
being. His body is in the likeness
of man’s - flesh.
For God to have a
kingdom of sons of God in His image, God needs a mortal seed body – a seed coat
to bring forth a Body of Spirit being - a Body with uncreated Life, a body
where the Life of the body is life of Spirit Being, – from the breath of God,
the life He is. The body of Spirit is an
immortal, incorruptible, imperishable body. The body of Spirit being will be a Body of Life
everlasting - a body that is deathless, a body of flesh and bone.
A body of spirit
being will require One of the persons of Deity to come in the likeness of man,
having a body. God cannot be other than
He is, Spirit Being of Deity. He is
Life. The Creator comes in the likeness
of man in a body specially prepared for Him. Jesus is not a God-man, nor is He a man who is
a god but God “clothed” with the garment - the likeness of man. The body prepared would be a flesh and bone
and blood body, a mortal body, the seed of the woman.
God cannot die; He is
eternal life; He is Spirit Being (1John 1:2). The mortal body in the likeness of man, the
seed coat, could die and did but held within the seed coat of flesh and blood is
the incorruptible Seed – life of Spirit Being. Within the seed coat (the mortal body) is the
Seed of Life everlasting. It takes the
death of the seed coat to bring forth the image of God, a flesh and bone body
of Spirit (1Corinthians 15:45-48).
Life everlasting is what
the body needs. Without the Life of Spirit
being for the body, man is naked (Genesis 2:25). Man needs a body of Spirit being. The Creator has the covering needed. God explained to Adam that man is brought forth
a soul of spirit being clothed in a body of flesh that he might choose to become
a son of God in the image of God and experience the rest of God forever
through a union of love.
Adam understood that
he was other than His Creator - he understood he was the creation of His
Creator and belonged to His Creator. Being
a creation and being a son are different; Seed life is required to become a
son. Being a son of God in God’s image
requires a union of love - a joining together.
The image of God must
be after His kind - a body with Life of Spirit being. For such a body God must have a Seed. The Seed will bring forth an immortal
imperishable body. The immortal
imperishable body brought forth from that seed will have Seed for much fruit of
immortal imperishable bodies – flesh and bone bodies bearing the image of God.
Man’s image is the
dust body called flesh. God’s image is the
body of the First Begotten Son raised from the dead. The First Begotten Son is the First Son of God
in God’s image, a glorified body.
Without the union
between the Seed and man, there is no body of glory. Without the union, there are no sons of God in
the image of God. This union is voluntary
and the one created makes a deliberate decision. God does not force His creation of man to
choose to become sons of God.
That would be unreasonable
and unjust of the Creator. The union of
love is a love union. God does not force
His creation of man to love Him. Love is
When Adam saw the
lights of that night sky - What a thrill it was! It was beautiful! Adam had never seen such beauty and such glory. Actually … Adam had not seen anything until
that night. But! That night, wonder of
wonders, God His Creator began to share with Adam His glory - the way of life
everlasting through the gift of righteousness, the Last Adam. God began therefore before the beginning with …
Adam never would have
understood the purpose of God, apart from God. It is God’s plan; God would explain it. Adam is a creation. He does not have it in himself to understand.
That first evening
God began to lay out His covenant plan illustrated in the pictorial of the
luminaires and to shine His glory into the heart of His man.
“Do you see that cluster
of stars there Adam? Yes, those right
there. Well, my heavens stretch out like
a curtain in the sky all around the planet. I have placed and arranged 12 of those
clusters in a certain pattern for a purpose.
“Three smaller
clusters are attached to the twelve primary clusters. The clusters are called constellations and the
smaller clusters are called decans. “Each
stellar constellation and its three decans have a minimum of 12 star names. That is 576 star names, at a minimum. It’s very important that you have the light of
the knowledge of these for they speak of Me.
“This first stellar constellation
…is the Virgin. That bright star that
she holds in her hand means “The Branch”
and speaks of the Anointed Son, the Seed grain of the Woman.
Who is the Woman?” ...
well, she is symbolic of a vineyard in a very fruitful hill (Isaiah 5), the
vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel and so God begins to share
His plan. Night after night, week after
week, month after month, 365 days God shares the glory of God declared in the
heavens – His plan.
From the Son of His
love, the Son of Man, God has His kingdom of sons of God in His image, a royal
priesthood - the kingdom produced from the Seed of the Woman, the Branch of
Life. Like reproduces like.
The number of days, weeks,
months or years that God shared His covenant plan with Adam is not recorded in
scripture. However, consider this: When you enter into time, you live within God’s
laws of physics.
It takes a year for
the earth to revolve around the sun; thus, it would take Adam a year to
complete the cycle of the covenant as it is written in the stars. God works within His laws of physics.
Forty-eight starry
clusters are God’s banner of love written in the luminaires; God shares them with
His first Adam in the evenings.
Then in the early
mornings, in the cool of the day, God and Adam meet in the Garden of Delight
and discuss the truth taught the night before, possibly while they tilled the
ground and dressed the garden.
There is something
special about digging in dirt; there are the smells of the garden, the warmth
of the sun, the sound of living water, not to mention watching the rewarding
result of the labor and finally the eating of the fruit.
Night and day and day
and night, week after week, month after month, God makes known the knowledge of
His glory. Knowledge is the information of
facts. Understanding is the enlightenment
of the knowledge of facts as they really are through the Holy Spirit. Adam took into his mind the knowledge of God’s
heavenly pictorial in the evenings. And
in the morning in God’s garden, he took in his hands the practical substance of
that picture: the dirt, seed grain,
In the garden, Adam sees
in a different form the same pictorial - the natural realm gives confirmation
to the spiritual realities seen in the stars. The earthly is a pictorial of the heavenly realties.
The stars are a heavenly pictorial of an
earthly reality.
Thus, God brought the
message of the glory of the “Life coming” that “The heavens declare” down to earth,
so to speak, picturing to Adam the same truth in a different pictorial. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word
of God.
The fulfilling of the
covenant in time and space is in a future
garden. The Seed will lay down His life –
as a corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying lest He should abide alone
(John 12:24). That garden will not be a
garden of Delight but of agony, distress and sorrow. The pressing of the soul will occur in that
garden, but the Seed looks to the joy set before Him, sons of God. He willingly endures the suffering and despises
the shame for the glory of the fruit, sons of God.
The Life-Giver - the
Rose of that garden, whose very fragrance is sweeter than any earthly aroma,
will bear a crown of thorns upon his head and hang on a tree and be accursed, “…for
it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree” (Galatians 3:13).
Like the white
trumpet lily announces the life brought forth from the seed planted in the
ground (to die), so the resurrected Creator brings forth resurrection life - everlasting
life. The resurrected Creator (the
Other) is the first begotten Son of God.
John 19:41 says, “Now
in the place where He was crucified there
was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulcher, wherein was never a man
yet laid.” Luke 22:44 says, “And being
in an agony He prayed more earnestly: and
His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.”
Unless the seed grain
falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone. The “relationship” between God and man is
through union. Unless man unites himself
with the Seed, the Branch of Life, there will be no “relationship.” The bond for the relationship is in the body;
the understanding of the union is through the spirit.
Without the union –
without the Seed of life everlasting planted in the heart of man, the body is
not redeemed and man does not receive the image of a son of God - a body of
glory. Man puts clothing on to cover the
naked body. God puts clothing on the man
– a body. The pictorial in the stars
above and the earth below complement each other perfectly; they are a prophetic
revelation of God’s purpose for sons of God.
Thus, Adam had
everything he needed to get the picture. God set before him life and death. God taught Adam the ins and outs of becoming
a gardener, the different kinds of seeds and herbs, taught him the names of the
trees and different fruits and vegetables.
God instructed Adam
about the mannerisms of the animals, explaining to him that man’s behavior
mirrors the animals’ mannerisms. That one
(fox) is sly, that one (lamb) gentle and over there (mule), well he is
Then “The LORD God
brought to Adam every beast of the field and every fowl of the air to see what
he would call them: and whatever Adam called them: … that was the name”
(Genesis 2:19).
All the aspects of
heading a creation took considerable time – how is Adam to remember the
revelation God shares in the stars? It
stands to reason or makes sense that he wrote an account. As the first prophet and priest of God, Adam most
certainly would have preserved the message of the glory of God by writing it
down in the first star charts.
The preservation of
the glory is of vital importance, because just around the corner is an intruder,
an enemy willing and able to pervert the truth - an intruder who would come to
the Lord’s garden and deny the truth of God and call Him a liar. The perversion of the truth is not merely a
changing of the facts; it is the denial
of the sacred. The message of the stars is sacred;
changing the facts calls God a liar.
Like the rest of the
creation, the stars are ordained of God (Psalm 8:3) fixed in position for the
divine purpose of making known the glory of God. To pervert the message in the stars given by
God is to deny the incorruptible Seed, the Word of God, and is a renunciation of the only Lord God, and
our Lord Jesus Christ.
The perversion of the
truth is the replacing of the glory of the un-corruptible God and substituting that glory with an image
made like to corruptible man, and to birds and four footed beasts and creeping
things (Romans 1:23). To change the
truth of God into a lie you must first have understanding of the truth of God -
“that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it” in
the stars (Romans 1:19). You cannot
pervert what you first do not understand.
“To change the truth
of God and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator who is blessed
forever” (Romans 1:25) is to hold the truth in unrighteousness. To worship the heavenly host, the sun, moon
and stars, as Deity is an act of depravity.
Having understanding
of the righteousness of God, why would men pervert the truth? So that others will not know God? Where is the source of such thinking? Who would do such a thing? The enemy of God pictured in the stars - that
old serpent, the devil and Satan (Revelation 12:9).
Those who hold the
truth in unrighteousness serve another master and refuse the power of God unto
salvation to everyone that believes.
As we begin our study
of the stars, I want to make sure, absolutely sure, that it is understood that this
study is not promoting the worship of the stars or their message.
We give adoration,
love, reverence and devotion to God the Creator of heaven and earth and NOT, let me repeat, NOT to the heavenly host; that is the sun,
moon and stars. That is blasphemy! It is profane and wicked to set our affection
outside of the sacred. Sacred is where
God or the glory of God is. Changing the
glory of the incorruptible Seed – making the glory of God a man perverts the
We are looking at the
heavenly pictorial that God placed and named on the fourth day of creation for
the sole purpose to know Jesus and Him crucified and the power of His resurrection.
The heavenly pictorial is the
message of God’s plan for an earthly kingdom of sons of God – sons in
His image, a royal priesthood, united in a union of love with the incorruptible
Seed, the un-corruptible God.
The message of the
heavenly pictorial is the glory of God - the hope of life everlasting and a
holy calling; it is God’s eternal covenant to have sons of God. It is Jesus!
God gives man the
message in the stars so man might choose to become a son of God through the
union of love and in so doing might preach the message of reconciliation and
regeneration to others – becoming the “voice” of the silent preachers.
Glossary for Adam
Adam – the First – is the first man God created; who was
full-grown. Adam was a figure of His
Creator, God’s last Adam, Jesus Christ, God’s Son.
Adam –
the Last –
is another name for God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
Eternal Covenant – is
God’s agreement with Himself to have a universal Kingdom of Sons of God in
bodies of glory in two realms – the heavenly and the earthly.
Everlasting Life – is life that goes on forever in a body
that will not die – life one receives from God by faith in His Son Jesus
Image of
God -
is the body of the glorified Son of God.
Naked – is what the personal being is if there is no
forever-living body to cover or house the spirit being of man (See Soul).
Seed Coat – is the mortal body of the First and Last
Adam. The first Adam has a seed coat
with NO life everlasting in it and
the Last Adam has a seed coat WITH everlasting
life in it.
Soul – is a personal being with a mind to think,
emotions to feel and a will that has the power of choice (See Naked).
Being of Deity –
is the Life that God is - uncreated Life.
Tree of Life – symbolizes the need to become a son of God –
believing into the Seed of Life for life everlasting.
Tree of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil – illustrates the beguiling of knowledge; knowledge will
not produce life everlasting.
Union with the Seed – is in the body. If man chooses to unite himself to Christ’s
body by believing into Him, he receives a body of glory and lives forever.