Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lesson 014 Leo and the Angelic Creation

Leo and the Angelic Creation
(Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28)

In the star chart drawings of the stellar sign of Leo is a magnificent and majestic lion pouncing on the head of a very large serpent that is fleeing for its life - fleeing from the wrath of the lion. 
This constellation introduces the serpent in the eternal covenant.  According to the scripture the serpent is the acknowledged adversary of the Seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15).  Who is the serpent?  Where did he come from?  What is his purpose and why is he the adversary of the Seed of the woman? 
This lesson will address these questions and the next lesson will discuss the stellar sign of Leo. 
Before God created the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth and before He created man, He created the angelic beings.  The scripture refers to the angelic host as “morning stars, the sons of God” (Job 38:7).  Morning is the dawn of daybreak, a new beginning.  The first mention of morning in the scripture is in Genesis 1:5.  The morning stars, the angelic host, sang and shouted for joy as they witnessed the handiwork of their Creator in the work of His creation (Job 38:4-7). 
On the fourth day of creation, God placed prophetic revelation in the covenant luminaries.  In the message of the light holders in the heavens God declares His glory “…to give light upon the earth” (Genesis 1:17).  The number four speaks of the four corners of the earth.  The light holders in the heavens shine to the four corners of the earth for signs and for seasons, and for days and years. 
In the Hebrew, the word “signs” means “a mark.”  A sign is a mark of something other than itself.  “Signs and seasons” were ordained of God to indicate events in the life of the covenant Son, the coming Redeemer-Deliverer.  With “days and years,” the astronomical bodies measure time.  
The signs and the appointed events are not seen in the configurations of the stars.  The figures on the star charts were drawn around the meaning given the constellation.  Words give a picture.  Pictures tell a story.  Colors add life to the words and pictures that tell a story.  A picture is a vivid way to express a truth.  The stellar signs are pictorials. 
The twelve covenant luminaires are clustered in easily recognized groupings.  God reveals the message of the covenant Son and the kingdom He ordained in the star names.  Add the covenant colors and numbers to the message and the imprint stamped in the mind is engraved in the thinking. 
God reveals Himself and makes His will known in different methods; one of the most prominent methods is through pictures.  When He communicates His plan, He gives an overview and then fills in the details.  
With the placement of the covenant luminaries on the fourth day of creation, the signs and the appointed events of the covenant Son and His government on earth were pictured to the angelic creation.  The message in the picture provided the angelic creation the purpose of their being, which includes ministering to the heirs of salvation. 
The scriptures provide little detail concerning the image of these winged beings; the Hebrew word “cherubim” is a masculine noun of uncertain derivation and means an angelic being and is commonly translated cherub.  The verb seraph literally means burning; fiery (plural, seraphim) is used only in Isaiah 6:2, 6.  The angelic host is described as “ministers a flaming fire” (Psalm 104:4, Hebrews 1:7). 
The created ministers of flaming fire are personal beings with a mind, will and emotions.  They are personal beings of spirit.  They are messengers of God, and their ministry is to serve in His government on earth.  The angelic host of spirit beings is set apart unto God and lives with the otherness of God – His beauty, His holiness.  The movement of these spirit beings is musical; their movement expresses joy and praise in times of festivity and triumph (Ezekiel 28:13). 
In the scriptures, names and titles are important.  The person or persons bestowing the name consider the moniker.  Names have meaning and intimacy attached to them.  God named the stars, His garden, the first man, and His angelic host.  Frequently the name given or changed by God reflected the character of the person named and/or an attribute of God.  The three angelic beings mentioned by name in the scripture (Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer) were given names with prophetic reminders of the righteousness and justice of God. 
Michael, who has the honor of archangel, is a prince among the angelic host.  He is specifically the minister of God to the people Israel (Jude 9, Daniel 10, and Revelation 12).  His name means “Who is as God?”  Every time the nation Israel heard Michael’s name, it would be a perpetual reminder that Israel’s God is the only God. 
The angel Gabriel’s name means “man of God” (his name is in reference to the Man who prevails).  Who is the Man who prevails but the begotten Son, the Seed of the woman?  God gave Gabriel the privilege of delivering the good news to the Virgin Mary (a daughter of Israel) that she was highly favored of God (Luke 1:26-33). 
Lucifer (Isaiah 14) is named only once and is given the title “anointed cherub” (Ezekiel 28:14).  However, clear references are made of him in Ezekiel 28 and in the Revelation of Jesus Christ.  The term “anointed” likely expresses the sense of sanctification for divine service. 
Lucifer’s name means “shining one” and “howling” – these names reveal the purpose of his creation and his destiny.  “Shining one” is a description of the perfection of his ways from the day of his creation until iniquity was found in him (Ezekiel 28:15).  The name of “howling” implies rage for not obtaining that which is desired.  “Howling” also implies desolation and violence, weeping and wailing.  
It is thought-provoking to consider there is no reference to God or to those to whom Lucifer is to minister.  These facts reveal God’s foreknowledge. 
God knew that a creation other than Himself would be lawless; any creation other than Himself would be lawless.  Lawlessness is a state of being, and it manifests itself by setting one’s will above the will of his Creator and everyone else. 
Lucifer, as a created being, is neither God’s colleague nor his equal; he is a created being with the freedom of choice to set his will above the will of his Creator.  He is not the source of lawlessness, nor is he the initiator of lawlessness.  As a ministering spirit of the holiness of God, Lucifer was to do the commandments of the LORD and hearken to the voice of His word to do His pleasure.  In so doing, Lucifer would fulfill the purpose of his creation.  As a personal spirit being and a creation of the Creator, God gave Lucifer freedom of choice to believe Him and obey or not.  God instructed Lucifer along with the rest of the angelic creation as to the purpose of their being through the prophetic revelation of the covenant light holders. 
The ways of God’s works are unchangeable; the order is always the same.  First God reveals Himself and His plan; then is the test of obedience, which is to believe the truth revealed and submit to the purpose of the Creator or not? 
The record of the test of obedience is in the precious stones of covering, the stones of fire in Ezekiel 28.  These stones of fire are symbolic and are a memorial of the person and work of Christ; primarily, they are linked with the angelic host’s connection to their Creator’s established government and the host’s ministry on the behalf of God’s government − the heirs of salvation, Israel. 
At creation, God brought the angelic host into His presence in His heavenly dwelling.  There they walked up and down among stones of fire (Ezekiel 28:14).  The stones are arranged to be melodic in design.  The harmonious “music” of the stones begins softly until the last strain is heard in a resounding crescendo; the climax of which is portrayed in the colors and meaning of the stones. 
“Walking” is a symbol of conduct.  Walking among the stones represents the test of the angelic host.  First God reveals Himself and His plans; then is the test of obedience; will they believe the truth and submit themselves to minister in His government to the praise of His glory in their freedom of choice or will they act in lawlessness and rebel? 
The stones of fire warn the angelic host of judgment for their conduct.  “Fire” is a symbol of a “consuming judgment.”  Fire consumes, destroys, and transmutes into its likeness. 
In the covering, the nine stones are identified as sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle.  The beautiful covenant colors in the stones of fire are revealed in the luminaires of the heavens and they speak of the majesty and holiness of the covenant-keeping God in the eternal covenant. 
The number nine is a remarkable number.  In mathematical science, it possesses properties and powers that are found in no other number.  It is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end and is the conclusion of a matter.  That there should be nine stones directly related to the angelic host, Lucifer in particular, is no small coincidence − but a divine revelation. 
Verses 11-19 of Ezekiel 28 speak of Lucifer and the stones of fire. 
The pattern of the stones is significant.  The first two stones are paired together with the third stone connecting them with the word “and.”  Thus, there are three groupings of three with the covering of the stones “set” in gold (vs.13). 
The first stone is Sardius.  The blood-red sardius speaks of the shed blood of the promised Prince of Glory (the Last Adam), the One whose glory the heavens declare (Psalm 19, 1Corinthians 2; 2Corinthians 4).  Everything in His kingdom will be His doing through His obedience to the death on the Cross.  His blood is shed for the cleansing of all unrighteousness.  All is to be to the praise of His glory - to Him be the glory. 
The second stone, the golden yellow Topaz, shows the glory of the Prince.  The glory of the Prince is the absolute divine essence “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:  But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant …” (Philippians 2:6-7) – clothed in the flesh of humanity as the Servant of Jehovah.  He will bring reward to those who willingly choose to believe Jehovah and serve Him. 
The third stone follows with the connecting “and.”  The third stone of fire is the Diamond; the diamond speaks of victory and portrays the Prince of Glory as the Captain of Salvation.  The diamond is a clear stone.  It is crystal clear that the Prince of Glory willingly comes to earth in the likeness of man, the Servant of Jehovah in a mortal body, yet without sin.  He is the first Son of many sons of glory, the Captain of Salvation.  When the life-blood is shed, the lifeless body, which has seen no corruption, can be raised up out from the dead.  The Captain alone won the victory over sin and death.  The victory is assured.  He will be coming again to judge the earth.  When He comes to judge all nations, His heavenly host, His troops, will be with Him (Matthew 25:31-46). 
The next set of three stones begins with the Beryl.  The beryl stone is a greenish blue stone and in the pictorial of the stones portrays the Prince of Glory as the Judge of all the earth, who will do right - He will give a just retribution.  Having laid down His Life, the Prince of Glory will, at the end of the indignation of God for a lawless creation, send His ministers, the angelic host, to gather His people out of nations; they will minister judgment on the wicked (Matthew 24:29-31; 2Thessalonians 1:7-8; Jude 14-15). 
The stone paired with the beryl is the Onyx stone.  Many people preface onyx with the word “black”; however, this is misleading.  The onyx is a light colored stone.  In the gemological world, the term onyx refers to layered stones that exhibit different colors in multiple layers.  These varied colors include white, red, brown, black and banded – variegated, giving the appearance of colors woven together.  From the Greek, the word onyx means “claw” or “fingernail.”  With its flesh color, the onyx can be said to resemble a fingernail and is not considered to be particularly beautiful. 
The onyx stone is the fifth stone in the list of nine; the number five in the numerology of scripture speaks of grace.  The onyx stone therefore portrays the Prince of Glory, the Servant of Jehovah, the Captain of Salvation, and the Judge as Blessedness (“happy”) - Sanctification of God.  
The Hebrew word for onyx comes from the root to “flash forth splendor.”  In the onyx stone God pictures the blessedness and splendor and grace of God in sending the stone of Israel, the last Adam, clothed in a body of flesh woven in the womb of the virgin (Psalm 139:13).  He had no form or comeliness, no outward beauty that should be desired (Isaiah 53:2), but He held within the seed coat the pure white essence of deity to bring forth all the variegated colors of the beauty and glory of God. 
The third stone of this three-some that follows the “and” is the Jasper stone.  The jasper stone like the diamond is a clear colored stone and clearly portrays the Prince of Glory as the Prince of princes, the Ruler of rulers.  He is a Prince with God and man. 
Happy and blessed is the one who serves Him in obedience to the truth, that is, believes what God says.  Having wrestled against principalities and powers of wickedness in high places and having conquered them through the resurrection, there will be no more war.  His kingdom will be a kingdom of peace and righteousness.  In the end, the Prince of Glory will be Ruler over all. 
The last three stones of fire are the sapphire, emerald and the carbuncle.  The Sapphire stone is the most precious and valuable of blue gemstones.  The stone is desirable because of its color and durability.  In the pictorial of the stones, the sapphire portrays the Prince of Glory as the Prophet sent from God. 
Jesus, the absolute divine essence of deity, became flesh and sojourned on earth in the flesh of humanity, the Prophet sent from God.  Speaking the words of His Father and doing the works of His Father bear true testimony to the truth that the Father sent Jesus as His Prophet (John 5).  Paired with the testimony of the “heavenly” blue sapphire is the witness of the green Emerald.  The emerald portrays the Prince of Glory as the Son of Man, the Child born as the Son given to His people Israel (Isaiah 9:6-7).  God’s people, seeing the Son in the flesh, saw God. 
The last stone is the Carbuncle.  Like the third stone of the first two groupings, the carbuncle is a clear stone.  The carbuncle shows forth that the Prince of Glory is portrayed as the Son of Man (birthed Son of God) - Son of God (begotten Son of God).  He is the meeting place between God and man.  He is the Rock - a Refuge for whomever comes to Him to dwell in safety from the storm of destruction (Psalm 18:2; 62:7). 
The portrayal of the Prince of Glory, as told in the stones of fire, is true of the One for whom the angelic ministers were brought into being.  The heavenly host heard the truth and was given the choice to believe the One who would send the Prince of Glory to earth. 
With the naming of the last stone is the “and” of the final touché, the naming of the element of gold.  Gold is an element – a class of substances that cannot be separated and is therefore not made from any other element.  Consequently, gold is perfect in its type to symbolize deity.  Gold marks the end and conclusion of the matter.  The doxology so to speak of the music introduced softly builds toward the resounding crescendo – the climax of that portrayed in the pictorial.  The doxology is the Amen of music.  The so be it!  All the stones of covering are set in gold, sealed with the stamp of indestructible deity.  All is God’s doing; the gold is the outshining of all the glory; all is for His glory. 
Coveting is the lust of desire of something seen.  Having witnessed the purpose of God in the luminaires and brought into the otherness of God – His beauty, His holiness to live with His presence, Lucifer imagines himself other than he is.  Through the deceitfulness of his lawlessness, Lucifer imagines he can be “like the most High” (Isaiah 14:14). 
Lucifer’s desire to contend for God’s glory – God’s desire for him caused him to be unwilling to be satisfied with the will of God for him.  Lucifer, the “shining one,” in his refusal of the love of God refused the high purpose of His creation.  He refused to be a minister in God’s government.  He became the adversary of God coveting that which could not justly be his; thus, he fulfilled the prophetic meaning of his name “howling.” 
Each angelic being that believed the truth and submitted himself to His Creator as a son of Elohim fulfilled his purpose for being.  If he chose not to believe the truth, he rebelled against the Creator and His creation and did not fulfill his purpose of being. 
Leaving the presence of his Sovereign, Lucifer led a third of the innumerable company of the angelic host with him in his rebellion.  Valuing the creation of God and desiring it for himself, Lucifer and those of the angelic host willing to follow him made their choice. 
Because the holy angels of God had understanding of the symbolism of the precious stones of covering, the stones of fire, they understood this test.  Theirs was a onetime decision to continue as a creation of God or be at enmity with God in their mind, be of no profit to God and be destroyed in the end. 
God’s strange work is to turn aside from His creation (Isaiah 28:21).  He is not an indifferent Creator who is uncaring or disinterested.  God loves His angelic creation of personal beings.  He did not think of them as indentured servants but as personal beings created with freedom of choice.  To allocate judgment to them is contrary to the personal being of Spirit Deity who is Love, Life and Light. 
Lucifer’s plan to overpower and overthrow God is through a city - a kingdom built through merchandising, a city where the creature is served rather than the Creator.  This city built through merchandising is a system of politics, economics and religion.  Because Lucifer is a spirit being, he must use a medium to achieve his desire to have the kingdom that belongs to God.  He set his plan to build a city in motion using a creation of God with a flesh body of the earth.  What creature of the earth did he choose?  He choose the first-born son of the man and woman, Cain, who was willing to cooperate and be mentored by him (Genesis 4, 5). 
Isaiah14:12-14 says, “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! ...for you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:  I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation (of Israel) in the sides of the north (city of the King), I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” 
Lucifer, the deceiver of men, embraced the symbol of the serpent pictured in the luminaries; the serpent is the symbol of the pride of self will.  Lucifer took the symbol as his symbol of power. 
This understanding of the “serpent” – who he is – where he came from – what his purpose was – and why he is the adversary of the “Seed” of the woman brings us to the stellar sign of Leo.  In the sign Leo, the serpent’s strategy for overthrowing God’s government and the folly of that plan is seen as foiled.  Leo displays the just recompense of the righteous King – the Loving Creator of His creation. 
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No Glossary for Leo and the Angelic Creation

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